Our School Admissions
Admission to Meadow Wood is determined in partnership with Hertfordshire County Council. This is done through a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
From 1st September 2014, national changes to the law came into force for children with SEN statements.
As part of these changes, the government has asked local authorities to convert SEN statements to Education Health and Care Plans over the next three and a half years. The changes being made are intended to give you more involvement in how your child is supported. These changes will take time to put in place but be assured that in the meantime, your child’s SEN statement will remain with all the current legal protections.
At Meadow Wood School we will be working with parents and the local authority to support the transfer of statements into Education Health and Care Plans. We will keep parents informed of the timetable for this and will support parents through the process.
Children may be admitted into Meadow Wood at any time during the school year. Visits to the school by prospective pupils and their families are very welcome. Arrangements for visits can be made with the School Secretary.
If you have any questions regarding admissions, please contact the school or Hertfordshire County Admissions via their customer services centre on 0300 123 4043 or email at hertsdirect@hertscc.gov.uk.